What are my Anaesthesia options?

During your initial consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss your anaesthesia options. Considerations will include the type of procedure, your medical history, and your level of anxiety. Together, you will decide on the best anaesthesia for you. Your anesthesia options include local freezing, oral sedation, nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”), IV conscious and deep sedation, and general anesthesia. We can provide this care in our offices, Surgicentres, or in the hospital.

Facts About Anaesthesia Surgery
Types of anaesthesia
Types of anaesthesia
- Local Freezing
- Oral Sedation
- Nitrous Oxide
- IV conscious sedation
- Deep Sedation
- General Anaesthesia
How to prepeare for anaesthesia
How to prepeare for anaesthesia
- Wear loose and comfortable clothing, do not eat or drink for 8 before surgery
- Take all of your regular medications the day of surgery (unless instructed otherwise)
- Bring someone who can stay, drive you home and stay with you for the day
Post Surgery Recovery
Post Surgery Recovery
- Sedation medication remains in your bloodstream for 24 hours.
- Do not operate a vehicle or machinery for 24 hours after sedation or general anaesthesia
- Take Gravol if you are experiencing nausea during your recovery from a procedure that used anaesthesia medication
Before & After Dental Surgeries Using Anaesthesia
When you arrive at the clinic for your surgery, a nurse will review the anaesthesia process with you and connect you to monitors. These devices will allow us to monitor your health and safety during dental surgery. The anaesthesia medication will be administered through an intravenous needle. Once your procedure is done, our team will transfer you to our recovery room, which is where you will wake up. One of our nurses will review your post-operative instructions with you and the person accompanying you. If you have any questions about your recovery, an Argyle Associates surgeon is always available to answer any question.
Is Dental Anaesthesia Safe?
Much like any surgery that requires anaesthesia, there is always a certain level of risk associated with those procedures. That being said, dental anaesthesia is considered extremely safe and is utilized in hundreds of thousands of procedures each year with no complications.
If you’re worried about dental anaesthesia for an upcoming dental procedure, reach out to our experts at Argyle Associates. The majority of patients have absolutely no problem with local anaesthesia but our team can get to the bottom of any risk factors that can be assoiated with complications like certain medical conditions or allegies. Our experts are always happy to help answer any questions you may have and put your mind at ease.

Anaesthesia FAQs
We are experienced and certified in administering anaesthesia to children. We also offer general anesthesia in our Surgicentre West, with an anesthetist from CHEO.
We will give you instructions to prepare for surgery. Some of the guidelines will include:
Wear loose, warm and comfortable clothing
Do not eat or drink, including water, for 8 hours prior to surgery
Take all of your regular medications the day of surgery, unless instructed differently by your doctor
Bring someone who can wait in our office for the duration of your procedure, drive you home, and stay with you for the day. If you booked in our Surgicentre, an escort needs to stay with you overnight as well.
When you arrive, a nurse will connect you to monitors. These devices allow us to monitor your health and safety during anaesthesia. The monitors typically include:
A blood pressure cuff
An EKG (electrocardiogram)
A pulse oximeter – to measure the amount of oxygen in your blood
Loose clothing will make it easier to connect you to these important monitors.
The anaesthesia drugs will be delivered through an intravenous needle. If you have a fear of needles, we can use “laughing gas” and topical freezing prior to inserting the intravenous.
Once your procedure is complete, you will wake up in the recovery room. A nurse will review your post-operative instructions with you and your escort. The nurse will also answer any questions you may have about post-operative care.
An Argyle Associates surgeon is always on-call and available to answer emergency questions.

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