Wisdom Tooth

Here’s What You’ll Want to Do Before Your Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery
Talk to a Friend or Family Member
Talk to a Friend or Family Member
Let someone know that you’ll be here for wisdom tooth removal and will need a ride home; be sure this is all planned before you come to Argyle, as we cannot release you from the clinic unless someone is present to accompany you out of the clinic and take you home. You cannot use Uber, taxi or public transit on your own to get home; either somebody drives you or accompanies you on one of those means.
Talk to Someone Who’s Had This Procedure Before
Talk to Someone Who’s Had This Procedure Before
If you’re feeling anxious about your upcoming wisdom tooth removal, you can take solace knowing that millions of people have gone through this procedure before you. A trusted friend, co-worker or relative can let you know how their procedure went and what you can expect.
Talk With Your Workplace or School
Talk With Your Workplace or School
Getting your wisdom tooth/teeth removed means you’ll need to take a little time off from work or school. Get your homework assignments in advance if possible. Make sure your boss or teacher knows why you’ll be out; this procedure and the ensuing recovery are a legitimate reason to be away. Sometimes it takes up to 3-4 days to resume routine activities.
Talk with Argyle
Talk with Argyle
At your consultation, we encourage you to ask questions. We’re always happy to provide answers. Should you have any questions between the consultation and the day of your surgery, please do not hesitate to ask us. You can call 613.778.8888 or email patientservices@argyleassociates.com
Make Sure You’ve Got Some Soft Food
A day or two before your wisdom tooth removal, start buying and/or preparing soft foods in anticipation of what you’ll need during the first few days of recovery. Cook & refrigerate or even freeze in advance, so that you’ll have soft food on hand & one less thing to deal with during recovery. Soft foods include Jell-O, pudding, broth, oatmeal, applesauce, etc. Have some ice packs ready, too.
Get Your Logistics Squared Away
In addition to your ride home, plan on not being able to drive for the 24-hour period following oral surgery and sedation. If you are taking narcotics for pain, you cannot drive under the influence of these substances. You’ll have discussed the prescription in your consultation appointment so you should be aware by now of what medication you’ll be taking. Plan accordingly so that you’re not stuck at home.
No Food or Drink 8 Hours Ahead of Time
No Food or Drink 8 Hours Ahead of Time
Do not have anything to eat or drink (no food, fluid, not even water) for at least 8 hours before your scheduled surgery time. Brush your teeth and floss, rinse your mouth but do not swallow any water.
Bathe or Shower
Bathe or Shower
As bathing may not be possible for 24 hours after surgery, we recommend that you bathe prior to surgery. This will also promote relaxation.
What to Wear
What to Wear
Plan on wearing loose, comfortable clothing. Be sure that your sleeves allow access to your arm where an intravenous injection is usually given. Nail polish, gel nails and acrylic nails must not be worn. Please be mindful that we are a scent-free facility and avoid scented perfumes, colognes and/or deodorants.
Arrange Your Finances
Arrange Your Finances
Payment is expected at the time of your surgery. Visa, MC, Debit, Certified Cheques and exact cash are accepted. Insurance forms will be completed at this time as well for your reimbursement. The person taking you home should be aware of this policy.
Bring ID
Bring ID
We’ll want to see your photo ID at the time of your appointment. See the next section for more details.
Should You Need to Postpone or Cancel Your Appointment
Should You Need to Postpone or Cancel Your Appointment
If you cancel without advising an Argyle staff member directly by phone or email (voicemail are not accepted) at least two business days prior to the scheduled appointment – including no-show – a $100 fee will be charged.
Getting Your Prescription(s) After the Wisdom Tooth Removal FAQs
This is being done to help reduce the misuse, addiction, unlawful activities and deaths related to these medications.
Anyone prescribed a narcotic or controlled substance medication in Ontario.
Your health care provider can advise you if any medications you are taking are on the list. For a complete list of all affected medications, please go to ontario.ca/narcoticsstrategy
Provide identification to your health care provider when being prescribed a narcotic or controlled substance medication. You will need to provide the same identification to your pharmacist in order to receive your medication.
If someone is picking up a prescription for you (e.g., a family member), this person will also be required to provide ID with their name and address to the pharmacy. It is important to note that designating a representative to pick up a drug is only allowed if the patient has provided a valid ID on the prescription.
Your privacy is important to us. The ministry has policies and procedures in place to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information. Learn more at ontario.ca/privacy.
Your information will be used to monitor the prescribing and dispensing activity for prescription narcotics and controlled substances to promote awareness of appropriate prescribing, dispensing and use.
- Ontario Health Card or other health card issued by a province or territory in Canada
- Valid Driver’s License (issued by Ontario or other jurisdiction)Ontario Photo Card
- Birth Certificate from Canadian province or territory
- Government-issued Employee Identification Card
- Ontario Outdoors Card
- BYID (age of majority card)
- Certificate of Indian Status
- Valid Passport – Canadian or another country of residence
- Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
- Canadian Immigration ID Card
- Permanent Residence Card
- Old Age Security (OAS) ID Card
- Canadian Armed Forces ID Card
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police/Provincial/Municipal Police Identification
- Firearms Possession and Acquisition License (PAL)